Scooter Voltage Stabilizers Can Increase Power And Torque – True or False? |

If ever there was ever a mysterious area of vehicle functionality, it’s a scooter’s electrical system. Scooter clutch, variator, CVT belts, even changing scooter brake pads are easy to understand because we can feel, observe, and visualize what’s going on. Big Bore kits and carbuerator implementation; we know that more displacement equals the combustion of more air and fuel for more power. Lowering your scooter level means; less body roll and a lower center of gravity bring better handling. Racing brake rotors mean more surface area to distribute heat and less brake fade. Pre-ignition alongside elevated exhaust gas temperatures? Add more fuel. Simple.But this is not the case in the world of electronics, where everything happens at the speed of light, by subatomic particles that announce their presence only when shorting things out, or wires catching on fire. Or aftermarket products promising to do wonders for your scooter electrical system. After all, if you can’t tell how well something is working, you can’t say for sure whether product actually makes a difference on your scooter performance. But that’s why we’re here. We learn from each others mistakes. Scooters have been around for a while, I’m quite sure you know that. But what you don’t know is that scooter aftermarket parts continue to be in development. So the question still stands; Can a voltage stabilizer increase power and torque?Well, we read so much on the topic. I know for a fact that every high-tech motorcycle and high-end scooter companies that are building aftermarket racing parts seem to be manufacturing voltage stabilizers. But no one really explains how they work, just that installing them will make your motorcycle, or high scooter (not to mention ATV) perform better. But everyone online seem to talk about them as they don’t know. Do they work? How do they work? And are they worth their price?Voltage Stabilizers Installed On Racing Motorcycles and High End Scooters. A few weeks ago, I read four articles of the market’s most popular Japanese racing motorcycle/ high-end scooter voltage stabilizers were put to the test. But wait, let us first take a moment to understand not be confused with grounding systems that supplement a motorcycles battery and frame grounds. Voltage stabilizers-sometimes called “condensers”-attach directly to a motorcycle battery at the positive and negative terminals, and purport to regulate the flow of electricity running from a motorcycle battery to its electrical components, smoothing idle, improving output from headlights, HID Lights, LED Lights and audio equipment (if any), increasing battery life, and improving combustion efficiency for increased power/torque and decreased emissions.The first thing to remember is that some performance batteries act like a big voltage stabilizer already. Electricity generated from the stator is sent to the battery and electrical devices as needed. During periods of low electrical draw (headlights, audio, for example), excess electricity generated by the alternator charges the battery rather than passing through the system. But when the demand of a racing motorcycle or high-end scooter electrical system outweighs what the stator (or alternator) can generate (during low idle, and/or high electrical draw, for example), electricity is discharged from the battery in the amounts needed to pick up the slack. The problem is that a traditional lead-acid battery can’t switch from charge to discharge rapidly enough to quell small-scale voltage fluctuations or electrical “noise” that can adversely affect a motorcycle or high-end scooter electrical components. There are only a few advanced (expensive) batteries that can do a near-perfect job of stabilizing rouge current, but in any event-say the makers of voltage stabilizer kits-there’s a lot to be gained by adding an aftermarket system of capacitors to the mix.Are you convinced now? I sure am. I believe that a volt stabilizer can work and help improve performance on your motorcycle or scooter. If it works for cars, it should work for scooters. Get more information as to where you can purchase a voltage stabilizer for your scooter: